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Kintampo Waterfall

Photographers Comment: There are three waterfalls here, the lower  largest one is the main one that is photographed. The top one is quite wide and you can either get the width but not the height or get closer and get the height but only a part of the width. The middle fall you see just the top view. The lower one you can see on the way down and from the bottom. 

I photographed most views with both a normal shutter speed, for natural looking water and a slower shutter for misty water, I did not have a tripod with me so was limited to the speed that I felt my VR lens could stabilise at.

I took these images at the end of November, so there would be only a fraction of the water that would come over these falls in the rainy seasons. The images with a lot more water would be different, but without having the opportunity to take it at other times, I don't know which would be the most picturesque. You may not be able to get to the position I took some photos at if there was a lot more water coming over the falls, and spray into the lens may also present a challenge.

On a later visit I would also like to see if the middle falls could be photographed from anywhere.

There are some other falls not far away. These are mentioned in the location guide.

Photographer: Keith Park

See Also: Kintampo Location Guide


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